At some point this week, I want to write one of my patented Long-Winded, Over-Analytical Posts That Ultimately Figures Out Nothing regarding my thoughts on the Lost finale and how it ties into the greaters joys and flaws of television in general. But for now, I will just say that our final 2.5 hours on The Island left my heart soaring and my brain grumbling.
What did you guys think?
You didn't really think that because Lost ended I wouldn't find excuses to post pictures of its gorgeous cast members anymore, did you brutha?
I liked it. That's all.
I thought the ending was satisfying. If anything, the producers have to be pleased because it has millions of people talking about it.
Well, I won't be reading it. Don't be offended. I have to try to avert my eyes from anything LOST-related (and my eyes are pretty damn tired at this point) so it isn't ruined for me when I finally get around to having that LOST Netflix marathon.
That is probably the one and only time I will see a review of the Lost finale that says "That's all" after one sentence.
Beckeye, I used to think that too. But now it's like "oh, one of these days I'll take a year off and travel around the world." As in, never happen. Which is just as well now, because the seemingly ambiguous ending would annoy the shit out of me.
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