Friday, May 8, 2009

Rant: Megan Fox is Lame

Okay. I think we can all agree Megan Fox is smokin' hot. She's always half naked on the cover of some men's magazine and props to her for that. I've never had a problem with her...until now. Check out this quote from a recent interview in Esquire:

I don't want to have to be like a Scarlett Johansson – who I have nothing against, but I don't want to have to go on talk shows and pull out every single SAT word I've every learned to prove, like, 'Take me seriously, I am intelligent, I can speak.' I don't want to have to do that. I resent having to prove that I'm not a retard – but I do.
Oh no she di'int call out my girl Scarlett like that! I abhor when people, especially dizzy starlets famous solely for their looks, use the whole "You only use big words to seem smart" argument. Uh, no, dummy. People use big words because they are smart! And really, you just totally disproved the "I'm not a retard" thing. Congrats!


The Imaginary Reviewer said...

I demand they both work out their differences in a pillow fight. In my back garden.

(I'm guessing you probably expected someone to make a comment like this, right?)

Red said...

Absolutely. If I could PhotoShop, I'd have created the image myself.

McGone said...

As a longtime Esquire subscriber, I was surprised to learn from your post that the Megan Fox feature in this month's issue had an interview with it. I... somehow missed that entirely.

Anonymous said...

I don't even get the Megan Fox is hot thing. I mean yeah, she's hot, in a generic "looks like every other brunette in Hollywood" way. She's got nothing interesting about her that sets her apart. I like a little quirkiness in people and she's just too vanilla looking. Pretty yes, but sort of boring, if that makes any sense?

Liz said...

I'd still do her

(File under: Comments Red's mom will read and think I'm a lesbian)

MichelleSG said...

I don't know if you've noticed but that girl is very very young. Every time she opens her mouth I swear she comes off as a 10 yr old. It's bad and that quote just goes to show she hasn't grown (mentally) at all since I last heard her blather.

Justice Pie said...

A pillow fight? Why stop there? Round two should be in a pool of jello and the tie-breaker (yes, there will be a tie for our pleasure) will be held in a ring full of mud!

words...words...words... said...

When people assume that the only reason to use big words is to make a point, that says it all right there. She might as well have just worn overalls and chewed on some wheat while saying "You think yer better than me?"

Besides, she should relax. I can't imagine that anything in her career will be affected by how smart she is or isn't.

d said...

I hate both of them.

In that pic, Megan Fox sure does get liberal with her use of lip liner. Que chola!

danielle970 said...

I don't care what comes out of her mouth... as Liz said, I'd still do her. (As evidenced by my recent blog post about her.) ScarJo might be smart and all, but I think Megan Fox is definitely hotter than her.

Hi, Red's mom! I'm not a lesbian either, I swear!

BeckEye said...

Okay, so LiLo got raked over the coals when she called Obama "colored." When does Megan Fox get strung up for using the word "retard?"

And, awww, poor baby. She RESENTS having to prove that she's not just a hot body by occasionally putting some clothes on and uttering monosyllabic words. Her life must be so hard.

Dr Zibbs said...

Mand is she hot!

MJenks said...

Well, Ms. Fox, only one of the two ladies featured in this post has ever made it into a Friday Morning Latin Lesson. And it wasn't the retard.

Soda and Candy said...

Spot on. I effing hate Megan Fox, seriously.