Thursday, February 4, 2010


Some things too cute not to share:

Liz and I have discussed this picture of Joshua Jackson gleefully holding an umbrella for his lady, Diane Kruger, on several occasions. Love!

The Puppy Bowl line up includes some of the cutest freaking puppies in the history of ever!

But, none of them are as cute as my princess kitteh!!!

She's not fat...she's just big boned!


Anonymous said...

Awww man, I'd roll around with THAT.

Uh, the puppy and Princess kitty I mean not Josh Jackson.

Although....Pacey always WAS sexier than Dawson.

Dawson. BLECH.

MJenks said...

Your kitteh is kind of like me.


Take that as you will...

words...words...words... said...

That puppy has his game face on. I wish you could bet on the Puppy Bowl.

Liz said...

I can take or leave the animals, but Josh Jackson? Yes please!

d said...

OMFG THE PUPPY BOWL! I love the line-up, LOVE. And cannot wait until Sunday.

BeckEye said...

HEYYYY, I was just gearing up to do a Puppy Bowl pre-game post pretty soon. I'm still gonna do it.

Feisty Democrat said...

Princess Kitten has a long way to go before she reaches my brother's cats level of fatness.

Red said...

Just to preserve her street cred, her real name is not "Princess Kitty." That's just what I call her because I am 5.