Dear Readers,
I Hope you’re sitting down.
You see, today marks the 3rd anniversary of the founding of Gingers is the Watchword, and we’ve decided to take this moment to call it a day. Yeah, you heard me, we’re shutting it down.
As you can tell by the fact that the last post was written almost a month ago, Red and I haven’t been too good at blogging lately. It’s not that we don’t want to, and it’s certainly not that we don’t love you all. All our readers have really meant a lot to us over the past few years. Some of you we’ve even met in person! You’ve encouraged us with your comments, and entertained us with your own blogs. (Believe or not, I read those too, even though I’m not as good with the commenting as Red. I’m a lurker. It’s one of my many, many shames).
But Red and I are just kind of in different places than we were three years ago, and unfortunately blogging on GitW just doesn’t fit into our lives anymore. Well, Red is in a different place. My life is remarkably, embarrassingly exactly the same. Seriously the biggest thing I’ve done in the last 3 years is move – to an apartment a half a mile away from my old one.
I digress … The thing is, we just haven’t found stuff to blog about the way we used to, and rather than letting our beloved GitW stand vacant without proper closure, we wanted to formally announce to the Interwebz that we’re putting the old girl down. We’ve had some awesome times, from declaring our crushes, to ranking albums, to even releasing some songs of our own. To you folks who’ve been there along the way, thank you so much. Don’t think of this as ending. Think of it is as a beginning – to your life without Gingers is the Watchword.
To everything, turn, turn, etc.
Liz (and Red)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
It's been real
Posted by
5:27 PM
Labels: Blogging about the Blog, ends of eras
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Posted by
11:29 AM
Labels: comic-con, Joshua Jackson, Things I find hilarious
Monday, July 26, 2010
"The Facebook movie" actually looks good!
Check it out! When I heard they were making a "Facebook movie," like most people I thought it was going to be some silly teen flick where the main character's life is flung wildly out of control by Facebook, a la Patrick Dempsey in "Can't Buy me Love." OK, maybe I'm the only person who thought that, but regardless, it turns out that "The Social Network" is actually about the founding of Facebook, which is an interesting story, and it takes place in Boston when I was going to college there, so double win.
Honestly, this cover of Creep alone kind of makes me want to see it:
Posted by
10:37 AM
Labels: Movies
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Betty + Floyd = Love
January Jones and Jason Sudeikis are dating. As Liz said when I broke the news to her, "Stupid attractive people, cornering their own market."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Liz and Red's All-Star Chat
I don't expect anyone to actually read this, but I found this conversation Liz and I had during the All-Star game pre-show hilarious and so I'm posting...for posterity or something.
me: WTF? Pre-game show?!
Elizabeth: Yeah, this All Star game probably won't get underway for an hour and a half. I'm really starting to hate sports
me: what?!?!?!
Elizabeth: Welcome to watching sports on the East Coast
me: sucks
Elizabeth: I'm exaggerating about the hour and a half, but it won't start right away
me: boo-urns
Elizabeth: The Yankees manager? I didn't know he had them
me: yeah, he does and has for quite awhile
Elizabeth: He always looks pissed off. I don't think I've ever seen him smile.
Really though, LeBron was kind of the tipping point. I'm starting to hate sports. Or at least the way they’re broadcast.
me: well ESPN has been really terrible for awhile now, for sure
Elizabeth: Yeah. It’s that, it’s the fact that athletes are mostly a-holes who are paid more than the GNP of a lot of countries .... It’s a lot of things
me: yeah, I hear that.
Elizabeth: Right???
me: Buddy!
Elizabeth: haha what's he doing there?
me: and Boch!
they are on the coaching staff apparently
Elizabeth: We do
I was just about to say "Bud Black!" to you. You beat me too it
We have the sound down though. I didn't know why Buddy was there.
I guess Manuel picked him as a bench coach
me: yeah. guess so
Elizabeth: what? I wasn't watching
me: Halladay
Okay, I'll stop now
Are they seriously booing?! That's lame
Elizabeth: Who are they booing (we have the sound down)
me: the Red Sox
and they sortof boo'ed the Giants players, too
and the Yankees
Elizabeth: I like it. Angels fans getting a little teeth :)
me: but it's the All Star game!
and they cheer Albert? Stay classy SoCal
Elizabeth: I have no problem booing people in the All Star game.
me: they all laughed it off so I guess it's cool
Elizabeth: Yeah I don't think any feelings are getting hurt, don't worry
If I were an Angel fan, I'd hate the Sox too. We've beaten them a few times
me: yeah, but they are a stupid team who shouldn't exist anyway.
Elizabeth: haha, now who's being mean?
me: They cheer for people in their division and boo Joe Girardi. They are dumb
Elizabeth: Look at these actors, being all serious
me: This makes me laugh
I still heart Julia
I don't care
Elizabeth: Was she in it? I just Ford, Affleck and McConaghey
me: she was first!
Elizabeth: I think someone from Glee is singing the nat'l anthem
Way to synergize, Fox!!
Dude, MLB puts everything about the All Star game except the rosters on its Web site. I finally ended up on Wikipedia, as usual
me: what did we do before Wikipedia?
Elizabeth: Lived in darkness
me: pretty much
Elizabeth: ouch
Elizabeth: hahaha of course you didn't. You're perfect
me: and it was pre-recorded.
Elizabeth: I'm sure her's is too
me: I don't think so
Elizabeth: Maybe that was her best take!
That's how much better than her you are.
me: hahaha
Elizabeth: :)
More f-ing commercials?!?! Seriously. Hate. Sports
me: seriously
Elizabeth: I miss the world cup. I'm so un-American. At least soccer games start when they say they're gonna start
me: exactly
Elizabeth: Oh look, cute kids. Vom. It.
sorry, I'm in a pissy mood.
me: I was thinking the same thing. They are terrible. I hate that people think kids should get to do everything.
Elizabeth: Are there any players you don't think are hot?
me: Big Papi?
Elizabeth: yeah no Red Sox are hot
me: yeah...sorry
Elizabeth: Corey Hart looks sad to me. At least he did at the Derby last night
me: he looks like a redneck
Elizabeth: a sad redneck
me: yes
Elizabeth: I wish Cano got an error.
Although, other than the yankee players - Go AL!
me: haha right, right
Elizabeth: I think this is the NL's year though
me: yeah...fingerscrossed!
And then Liz had to go home. Good times, ya'll good times.
Posted by
6:10 PM
Labels: Baseball, chats, Joe Buck is terrible, sports...sort of, Things I find hilarious, TV
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Everyone's Watching Louie, Right?
Something weird is happening on FX. Louis CK (so adorable as Leslie Knope's former boyfriend on Parks and Rec) is writing and directing a social commentary piece disguised as a comedy. It is very funny...with clips of Louie's stand-up mixed with scripted material about his life and his kids and his terrible body. But then there's stuff like the clip below, which is actually saying something in a really interesting way (WARNING: Language NSFW):
I just find things like this so interesting. It's like when Rescue Me became a theater piece for awhile last season. It's nice to see there are places on cable really pushing the envelope and "saying something." It's like it negates all the terrible things MTV has to offer on it's entire lineup.
Posted by
4:18 AM
Labels: FX, Louie, MTV, Parks and Recreation, Rescue Me
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Welcome to the summer of Liz's discontent
What a crap year for summer movies. Last night I was considering going to my local cineplex to see what Hollywood had to offer, and there was seriously nothing worth the cost of entry.
Here is what was playing:
Get Him to the Greek: Jonah Hill annoys me and my jury is still out on Russell Brand.
Knight and Day: I have actually considered seeing this, because it includes a chase scene through Boston, but reviews have been bad.
The A-Team: I seem to remember the A-Team riding around in a van. Ads for this movie had them jumping out of airplanes into helicopters. Haven’t you warped my childhood enough, Hollywood?
The Last Airbender: Time to hang it up, M. Night.
Twilight: Eclipse: One of these days I am probably going to break down and get into Twighlight. But not today. Not today!!!
Toy Story 3: I’ve actually heard good things about this, but I still haven’t seen Toy Story 2, so …
Grown Ups: This will be my hell.
Splice: While I do heart Adrien Brody, I don’t heart craptastic horror.
The Karate Kid: See my feelings on The A-Team.
I saw this coming, of course. Back in May, I read a summer movie preview and realized there was almost nothing I wanted to see. But I’m still a bit slack jawed at the festering garbage dump that is this year’s summer season. I saw an art house flick called Winter’s Bone that was pretty good, but in typical art house fashion it’s a small movie and a total downer. I like my summer movies to be big and loud but also entertaining and inventive. Most of these movies go the “big” and “loud” parts right, but little else.
Posted by
12:30 PM
Labels: complaining, Movies
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Emmy time already?
Emmy nominations come out Thursday. If I were in charge of picking the nominees (and, God willing, one day I will be), I would pick as follows:
Best Drama:
- "Breaking Bad"
- "Mad Men"
- "Friday Night Lights"
- "Dexter"*
- "True Blood"
Best Comedy:
- "30 Rock"
- "Parks and Recreation"
- "Community"
- "Modern Family"**
- "True Blood"***
I would give "Treme" a ton of acting nominations, but I don’t think it was quite there yet for a Best Drama nod. Ironically, it will probably get nominated this year because the Emmy people have been so deeply shamed over never nominating "The Wire." This is how the entertainment industry works.
If "Two and a Half Men" gets nominated for anything, I’m boycotting this year’s awards.
What do you guys think?
* I haven’t actually seen the most recent season of Dexter, but I’ve heard its as good as the last few, and I’ve loved the last few. Its time the entire show – and not just Michael C. Hall – got some love.
** I’ve only seen a few episodes of this show, but I did enjoy it, and what’s more is it’s cool to see a really well done show become so popular, as opposed to the usual garbage that everyone watches.
*** Yes, I’m nominating it for both drama and comedy, because three years in, I honestly can’t decide which one is supposed to be. And I mean that in a good way.
Posted by
11:10 AM
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Well it's here friends, the first look at the the final installment of the Harry Potter movies. Trully the end of an era. In its infinite greed, Hollywood has decided to stretch the end of that era over an 8 month period, but whatevs.
This is the trailer for the two part "Deathly Hallows" film. I wasn't crazy about the film version of the "Half Blood Prince" - the whole thing felt rushed and flat. Since the book version of "Deathly Hallows" touched my soul, I hope they shapen up for the last go 'round. Judging by the insanely over the top operatic music in the background here, I think we're off to a good start.
Posted by
3:47 PM
Labels: Harry Potter, Movies, Yes I am 28 years old what's your point?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Who wants a Brazilian?
Check it out: Brazilian soccer nickname generator! Mine is either "Mallinhosa" or "Elizabeto," depending if I go by Liz or Elizabeth. I think I'll take "Mallinhosa." Either way, it beats this guy's nickname.
Heh, poop.
Posted by
1:09 PM
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Anyone who says Prince William is dreamier than Prince Harry is clearly blind.
Plus, Harry is a do-gooder who throws out a respectable ceremonial first pitch:
Clearly, the newly single(ish) Harry is the prince of choice*.
*anyone who mentions the Halloween Nazi costume thing is dead to me
Posted by
6:54 PM
Friday, June 25, 2010
Bangs, Take U to Da Movies
Awesome new rap song...Sudan represent!
Posted by
Dave Harrington
1:24 PM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I Don't Get It, but I like it!
I'm not entirely sure what these new Allstate ads are all about, but I love having Ryan O'Riley/Johnny Gavin/Dennis Duffy pop up regularly on my TV:
Posted by
2:22 PM
Labels: 30 Rock, adverts, Oz, Rescue Me, TV...sorta
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Beer of Whenever
Party people!!! So right this very second, I am drinking this not very photogenic beer. It's called Saison du BUFF and it's created by dudes from Stone + Dogfish Head + Victory! I think we can all agree that automatically makes it delicious. Pick one up in your local cheese/fancy beer shop (oh, you don't have one of those in your charming little town? Sucks to be you! Move to Williamsburg where the cool kids live! (seriously, please move here...I have no friends)).
Anyway, this beer is lovely and very summery and warms my heart because it unites us Stone lovers with you Dogfish Headers. I recommend.
Posted by
1:52 PM
Labels: Beer of the Month, Drinking, Soccer, Tennis, Virginia
Friday, June 18, 2010
Oi! Oi! Eh?
All this World Cup broohaha has got me wondering: Why don’t we have hooligans in the United States? Not soccer hooligans, obviously. We barely have soccer. But sports hooligans in general?
Movies and the Internet have taught me that in other countries, especially England, every soccer team has a “firm” of hooligans who get into fights with opposition fans. The US has nothing like this. Raider fans are close, but that’s just one team, and they’re not exactly organized, not the way these hooligan firms are.
I’m really kind of fascinated by this. Here are my theories:
- We’ve got the guns: You don’t see that much brawling in the US because there is always the fear someone’s gonna have a gun and turn a harmless barroom punchup into a massacre.
- We have more than one sport: Soccer is king in most other countries. The US has football, baseball, basketball and hockey to divide our attentions. Having different outlets for fandom keeps the crazy in check.
- Teams are more spread out: The city of London has dozens of pro soccer clubs, including five in the Premiership. This means the fans are rubbing up against one another. Imagine if the Red Sox and Yankees played in the same town.
- We pretend we don’t have a class system: In many cities around the world with more than one club, it’ll be decided that one club is for posh people, another for the proletariat; one is for Protestants, the other for Catholics, etc. The teams are therefore an even greater extension of your identity. In the US, people don’t proudly cling to their class. If anything, it’s the opposite: If you’re rich, you’d want to root for the working class team to prove you’re not a snob. If you’re poor, you’d want to be associated with the perceived team of wealth.
Posted by
10:03 AM
Labels: hooligans, sports...sort of, World Cup
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Raves: June 2010 (World Cup Edition)

- No ads during games: Having grown up watching American sports that go to commercial every time a player sneezes, I love, love, LOVE watching a game that just goes for 45 minutes at a time. And unlike regular club soccer, most of the players don’t have ads on their shirts during the World Cup.
- Rad Jerseys: Speaking of the players shirts … there is just something so cool about soccer jerseys. This year, my favs are Slovenia, Denmark, Portugal, Spain and France. Sadly, the US jerseys make them look like they’re wearing pageant sashes. Dislike.
- Not banning vuvuzelas: I find the “swarm of bees” sound created by the incessant blowing of vuvuzela horns as annoying as the next non-African, but I’m still glad FIFA hasn't banned them from the stadiums. South Africa has had a rough go of it over the years, and hosting the World Cup is a great celebration for them. Let them party as they see fit.
- Hot soccer players: You knew you weren’t getting through a Gingers is the Watchword post without mention of good looking boyzz! It really does boggle my mind how so many soccer players are just drop dead gorgeous. Why is that? I know they’re all in terrific shape and all that, but so are football, basketball and hockey players, and I don’t find nearly as many of them attractive. Maybe its because they don’t have helmet hair. I'd give specific examples of hotties, but I have no idea who any of these people are.

- Keeps my mind off the Celtics and Red Sox: My basketball team got destroyed in game 6 of the finals last night and is limping into a game 7 on the road against the hated Lakers. My baseball team is 4 games back of two teams that show no signs of slowing down this summer. I need a sports distraction, and this odd little game where you can’t use your hands is just the ticket.
OK, there are a few things that bug me about the World Cup ...
- Stoppage time: In soccer, instead of just stopping the clock, the refs keep track of how long play stopped, and tack it on at the end. You never know how much it’ll be until the end of 90 minutes. And sometimes, even if the refs say its 4 minutes extra, they’ll let play continue for 4 minutes and 27 seconds, just to keep things interesting. This drives me batty. Just stop the clock!
- Americans calling it football: I know some people who are trying to seem worldly this month by calling soccer “football.” Listen, we have different words for a lot of things. For example, the Brits call cookies “biscuits,” apartments “flats” and bathrooms “toilets.” Other countries have completely different languages, with different words for everything! Does it make more sense that a sport in which a ball is kicked with a foot is called “football,” as opposed to a sport where the ball is thrown and caught with the hands? Sure. But what’s done is done. In America, we drive on the right hand side of the road, and we call it soccer. This doesn’t make us ignorant or stupid. Just different. And as we all learned in kindergarten, different is OK.
Posted by
10:23 AM
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Something New
Due to the immense popularity of my Facebook status updates quoting my mom during my cross country drive, I've started a new Tumblr of quotes and thoughts from my new life in Virginia. I'm trying to post one a day. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Posted by
5:04 PM
Labels: Facebook, Quotes, Things I find hilarious
Friday, June 11, 2010
I'm Baaack!
Hi guys! How're things? Did ya miss me? The Padres certainly did and are now a game out of first place in the NL West. All good things and whatnot.
Anyway, the point is me! I made it to Virginia. I knew this state and I would get along when my mom and I drove through Draper, VA.Williamsburg is lovely and has just about everything a girl could want. I found an apartment and the Trader Joe's and the Chipoltle (these things are important) and I'll start work on Monday. Tonight, I'll drive about an hour to hang out with our old pal, Garney. It's all happening.
So, um yeah. Just wanted to check in and say hi. My eyes have gazed upon a few things I'd like to share with you, but I forget what they are now. Hopefully, I'll get back into the swing of things next week. For now, have a lovely weekend, get excited for the True Blood season premiere Sunday and watch USA beat England on tomorrow in the World Cup!
xoxo Gossip Girl Red
Posted by
6:03 AM
Labels: Inane ramblings, Padres, Soccer, True Blood, Virginia
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Oil of "Oh, Lord"
Posted by
12:26 PM
Labels: BP, current events, NOLA, Sad state of affairs
Monday, June 7, 2010
Godspeed, Red!
Posted by
9:36 AM
Friday, June 4, 2010
Back to back from Dave H? has it ever been seen B4?
OK, here is the deal. We are doing a Yacht Rock Blog Party somewhere in this damn United States of America. It should be in one somebody's home town where they live right now. VA, NY, SD it really does not matter. I will look into the cost of renting a boat and karaoke machine.
Secondly, for those that don't know I am a law school dropout. However, I was just informed via facebook that our year 1 law school fantasy football league from Indiana University, Bloomington is still active. After going Ricky Williams on my JD, the league decided to name the fantasy league trophy after me. However they did not know my middle name starts with a "W" so instead they put "F." So there is now a David F. Harrington Memorial Law School Dropout Awesomeness Fantasy League trophy in existence. Seriously, I almost shed a tear. I also told 'em don't hand that shit over to the Smithsonian until I pass on...posthumous is always more legendary.
Anyways, I thought that was a funny story, but maybe you had to be there. On my facebook. And MALCOLM you wanted more Yacht Rock well here it is, my catalogue is goes deep, Little River Band here we gooooo...
Posted by
Dave Harrington
11:43 AM
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Someone has to post so might as well be me

Red and Liz are gone on vacation right now in New Orleans. So I'm sitting here late at night listening to my "Ambrosia" station on thinking what to write about.
"That's how much I feeeeel..."
First of all those two chicks better be helping clean BP oil off of beaches, swamps and sickly pelicans. Put down those hurricanes and make sure to scrub under the wings and between the legs ladies!
Seriously for me this BP shit is not funny. My grandparents owned a house along the gulf in Alabama that I used to visit every year. It's a nice area, and what's happening sucks. But as I said before the US is hooked on gas like fucking cigarettes so something like this is the tumor we earned. Or something like that.
"I saw your face and that's the last I've seen of my heeaaaart..."
I've been reading "The Geography of Nowhere" by James Kunstler. Definately worth checking out. It is about how our man-made environment in the United States sucks. We don't have real houses anymore, just a bunch of pre-fab, disbosable, stucco lined shit-holes. No wonder the housing market crashed, it really does suck living in a tract home if you know what a real house that's made to last is like. Check out his blog "ClusterFuck America" at
"Hold the line, love isn't always on time, whoa whoa whoa"
OK I'm out, whoever knows who sang the lines to those three songs gets a prize. Hint: They are NOT all Ambrosia.
Wait wait, here comes another one, DAMN YOU DAVID PACK... "I know you're the only woman I've been dreamin offfff..."
Bonus: "And I've got such a long way to go, make it to the border of Mexico...ride like the wind"
Posted by
Dave Harrington
11:37 PM
Labels: pls follow i need more), thats right its possible for me to blog without youtubes or reference to my twitter account (DWHarrington619
Friday, May 28, 2010
RIP Gary Coleman!
The urge to make a bad "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout?" pun is overwhelming, but respect for the dead shall win out. Rest in peace Gary Coleman. You'll be remembered fondly.
Posted by
11:53 AM
Labels: RIP
Liz and Red's Great New Orleans Adventure
Anyway, all the blabbering to say we will be MIA for a few days. We will regale you with awesome stories upon our return. You probably won't even notice, but if you miss us, just come clickity click on the Liz Lemon song down there. You know you love it.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Liz Lemon, You're My Hero
Here now, we present The Let's Makeout's homage to Liz Lemon...and our final single for the foreseeable future:
It's ridiculous...and we love it.
P.S. Please don't mock the crappy video skillz. The lovely Falwless is MIA so I had to make something myself (the horror!).
Posted by
11:12 AM
Labels: 30 Rock, Liz Lemon is my hero, Music, our now existant band, The Let's Make Outs, YouTube
Monday, May 24, 2010
Because you need to know my thoughts on these things ...

You didn't really think that because Lost ended I wouldn't find excuses to post pictures of its gorgeous cast members anymore, did you brutha?
Posted by
1:44 PM
Friday, May 21, 2010
... But now I'm found
An era ends this weekend when Lost - the show about everything - closes out its six year run Sunday night. Will we get any satisfactory answers to the questions of science, faith, philosophy and smoke monsters that have been raised time and again for the show's tropical castaways? Probably not. Will I be a huge dork and wrap paper around cans of beer so they look like Dharma Beer? Shut up!
For those of you who care about Lost, here are some article that might interest you:
- This one from the Washington Post proclaims that Lost was the perfect show for this decade. It reaches, but I’ll allow it.
As for those of you who never liked Lost and are glad we won’t be talking about it anymore … I hope your consciousness gets unstuck and you don’t have a constant! You heard me.
Posted by
2:16 PM
We Can Do Anything Good!
I want to be this little girl when I grow up.
Happy Friday everyone!
Posted by
9:09 AM
Labels: Things that are awesome, YouTube
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Wide World of Bad Sports Songs
We gave up sports blogging long ago here at GitW HQ, but sometimes the world of sports bleeds into ... whatever the hell this blog is supposed to be about. Here are two awesomely bad sports song videos that you must see:
I should probably cut this one some slack, because it's supposed to be a joke. Trouble is, its just not that funny. Look to 30 Rock for better "We are the World" parodies, Cleveland.
Then there's this:
Yeah, that's Scott Stapp of Creed singing a theme song for the Florida Marlins. Where was this kind of A material when we had a sports blog?
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: sports...sort of
Really, Starbucks? Really?
Posted by
9:01 AM
Labels: Really? with Red, Starbucks, things that are lame
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
WORDS made me do it...
He commented that he hadn't met Mr. Bubb Rubb yet, well here it is if you haven't met him or Little Sis:
Posted by
Dave Harrington
12:55 PM
Deep Thoughts With Red
The biggest problem with Lost this season is not the lack of reveals or explanations. This biggest problem is everyone in the sideways world remembers they were on Oceanic flight 815. I mean, seriously. Who remembers their flight number?
Posted by
9:54 AM
Labels: Lost, Really? with Red
Monday, May 17, 2010
GiTW happy b-day Youtube part 2
C'mon you all saw this one coming...
Posted by
Dave Harrington
4:30 PM
Happy Birthday, YouTube!
YouTube turns 5 today. As a present to you all, here's a video that makes it look like Bill O'Reilly and Christian Bale are yelling at each other:
Thanks, YouTube.
Posted by
11:21 AM
Labels: InterWeb, Noteable birthdays
Monday, May 10, 2010
These are the jokes
- The word “vagina” is not inherently funny. Not that there aren’t some good vagina jokes out there, but the word is not a joke unto itself. Now flugelhorn, that’s a funny word.
Posted by
10:04 AM
Labels: stand up comedy, unsolicited advice
Friday, May 7, 2010
Clear eyes, full hearts can't lose!
Posted by
11:13 AM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May Album Extravaganza!
Broken Social Scene: Forgiveness Rock Record The Canadian band that has literally had 25 members over the course of its existence - the most famous being Feist, the girl from Metric and the two singers from Stars - releases its fourth (and possibly, in my opinion) best album today. If you get only one rock album with lush instrumentals and soaring choruses this year, make it this one!
The Hold Steady: Heaven is Whenever Listen, I love me some Hold Steady. Me and Red are going to see them tonight, in fact! But ... I was just the tiniest bit disappointed in the band's fifth album, which comes out today. The sound is somewhat flat and tired. It has its moments, like the song "The Weekenders," which includes the line: "She said, 'The theme of the this party's the industrial age / And you came in dressed like a train wreck.'" But if you don't know the band, I'd suggest picking up previous efforts like Separation Sunday or Boys and Girls in America first.

The New Pornographers: Together Here is an example of a band that's been doing it for a while but still making it sound fresh every time. Yet another Canadian super group, The New Pornographer's latest, Together, comes out today, and is awesome. I'd explain more, but this thing is getting long. But I mean, just look at that cover art! Highly recommended.
The National: High Violet The National writes what I like to call "grower songs." They usually start kind of slow and build. Sometimes they just stay slow. They might not grab you the first time you hear them, but pretty soon they've wormed their way into your brain and heart. Their third album High Violet comes out next week, May 11, and while it might not be as good as their last effort (my Best Album of 2007), it's pretty darn good.
LCD Soundsystem: This is Happening This album comes out in two weeks, but I expect you'll hear a lot about it, especially at the end of the year when people start doing "Best Of" lists. Despite the desperate pleas of main guy James Murphy, I got a copy early (sorry, dude) but at least he can find solace in the fact that most of us who have heard it early are talking about how freakin' great it is. More dancy, electronic-rock music with witty lyrics, that somehow keeps getting better with each record.
Posted by
10:04 AM
Labels: Music