Ricky Martin is Gay - In the least surprising news ever, Ricky told everyone yesterday he is a "fortunate gay man," whatever the hell that means. When I was in Germany in 2000, this dude from Miami told my friends and me a story about how he KNEW Ricky Martin was gay. Well done, Miami dude. Next out of the closet...John Travolta. Sorry Becks!
Dudes are Weird - Every week, I read Drew Magary's Deadspin mailbags (he does two a week) and, like, half of the reader emails are about mundane scenarios made into crazy spy movie plots in the mind of the author. Example:
I used to come home from school, reach into my backpack, out of which I would pull a 3 1/2 inch floppy disk. Oh, but this disk did not contain some mundane homework assignment, paper, or even video game. On this disk was any number of one of the following: 1) A virus, meant to destroy the mainframe of computers of whatever organization or country I was infiltrating, 2) Some sort of top secret profile, either my personal Agent information or the man I have been sent to assassinate, or 3) Some sort of plans, architectural most likely, to any number of things. Most often it was similar to the scene from Star Wars where Darth Vader is demanding that Leia turn over the plans - except I have them, not R2D2! Quick, to the Apple IIGS!This is just an example. Sometimes, they are imagining how they'd fend off bank robbers or save ladies from falling airplanes. What the eff, dudes? Why are you all so weird?

John Stamos + The Beach Boys = Amazing! - Apparently, tonight on Dancing with the Stars, John Stamos will return to his seat behind the drum kit for The Beach Boys. This just kinda blows my mind a bit. Dave actually saw this fantastic event back in the day at a post-Padres game concert and still raves about it. Tonight, we can all experience it for ourselves.