Friday, October 31, 2008

Quote of the Week

I know, I know. I've been ridiculously lazy this week with the quotes and whatnot. I'd apologize, but I know you've already forgiven me. Today, I really wanted to post Tracy Jordan's "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah" to celebrate Halloween, but there's not a full length video (click on the link to listen to the hilarious song. "Werewolf bar mitzvah, spooky, scary. Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves."). I also thought of simply re-posting my post from last Halloween proclaiming my top 5 favorite scary movies, but that seemed even lazier than stealing other people's funny stuff. So, I finally decided to post this Halloween related quote from my BFF Annie (who, I realized, is the only person, other than yours truly, that every GitW contributor actually knows, which makes her an honorary Ginger, or something). Anyway, Annie's thoughts on pumpkin carving:

Carving pumpkins is like sex with someone you’ve been dating for a long time . . . its really fun at first, but then about half way though it feels like too much work . . . and then once you are done, it turns out nothing like you were hoping and the clean up is a pain. . .

Happy Halloween, ya'll. Imagine me sitting at my desk as Joan Holloway, trying not to eat all the Reese's.


Liz said...

I carved a pumpkin last night. I found wearing latex gloves made it easier. Not sure if that would help with boring sex

words...words...words... said...

There's another way that carving a pumpkin is like sex with someone you've dated a long time: At first, it's fun to do together, but someone always loses interest and the other person has to finish it by themselves.

paperback reader said...

Ooh! And another way: After the first few minutes, I grow disinterested and look at younger, prettier pumpkins and move on to them instead.

Liz said...

You do that in the middle of sex, Pistols? Are you in a park or something?

Dr Zibbs said...

Hahahaha that discription of pumkin carving is hyesterical

paperback reader said...

Liz, yes, if by "park," you mean "preschool." Uh...I mean "college."

Usually, months into a relationship, we just do it in a way where we can both watch TV, because we should at least get something out of the experience.

Anonymous said...

Usually I'm very pleased by my carving skills, and she looks underwhelmed.