Friday, September 21, 2007

Yeah, I Said It...

My pals over at Entertainment Weekly recently gave this Sunday's season premiere of The Simpsons a ho-hum write up, and it got me thinking - After 18 seasons and a killer summer movie, is The Simpsons "done"?

Don't get me wrong. I love The Simpsons. I'm a huge fan. I still remember quoting the lines of the first episode in sixth grade and watching it twice a night in reruns, but I will admit, I've missed it more often then not over the past few seasons. I still think it's one of the funniest shows on TV (and maybe the best television comedy of all time), but at what point is enough enough? The Simpsons is frozen in time so they don't have to worry about actors aging or dying or getting pregnant. They could, conceivably, make this show forever, but when the story lines and guest stars seem part of a "routine routine," should you pack it in?

For me, the best shows are those that end in a timely manner. The UK version of The Office had two pretty perfect seasons and then left...with the audience wanting more. Same with their version of Life on Mars (I miss you, Sam...and no one has any idea what I'm talking about). And while there will probably always be an audience for The Simpsons, perhaps they should think of their legacy, if you will, and end things before a dreadful final season (see: The Gilmore Girls). How about I make you a deal? Let The Simpsons run 2 more seasons (giving them 20 total...holy crap!) and then wrap it up. We will have endless reruns to watch and enjoy and nothing but (mostly) fond memories for Earth's favorite family (seriously, they are huge in Europe).

1 comment:

Garney said...

I know what you're talking about. Having watched Life on Mars is what made me sort of non-plussed about Journeyman. It's just a less compelling variation of the same twist.

Simpsons may be past its prime but it's not sunk yet. It can last a few more seasons to beat the Gunsmoke record for longest running series ever and it should. It deserves too.

Favorite moment of the premiere: Lionel Richie singing "Hey you, beer me."