Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Best Picture Movie Marathon

Have you missed this year's Best Picture nominees? Can you handle 12 straight hours of movie watching in a theater? Then AMC has the plan for you! Saturday, Feb. 23 (the day before the Oscars are announced) you can catch all 5 nominees back to back at an AMC theater near you. Personally, I don't think I could handle it (only 1 of the 5 films (Juno) is anyway light and uplifting. If I want to spend an entire day depressed, I'll just watch the final episode of Veronica Mars on a loop or something), but if you're up for it, it's a great way to catch up before the big show.


Garney said...

In what order are they being shown?

If I were going to do it, I think this would be the order I'd prefer:
Michael Clayton
There Will Be Blood
No Country For Old Men

Red said...

Oh so close!

Michael Clayton
There Will Be Blood
No Country For Old Men

Liz said...

RIP Veronica Mars!!!

I still need to see Atonement and Michael Clayton, then I'll have seen them all!