Friday, May 9, 2008

Lazy Friday

Three things:

1. The Survivor finale airs Sunday. I realize no one watches this show anymore, but this is arguably the best season ever. The past 4 weeks have been insane, with four complete blindsides at Tribal Council and the first ever all female final four. I can't wait to see what happens Sunday night. Go Cirie!

2. This headline made me laugh really hard.

3. This video made me laugh even harder (watch it here if you are Canadian)

You're Welcome.


doorknob_dan said...

Effing videos can only be streamed in the US of A!

Red said...

I added a link to YouTube for you foreigners.

BeckEye said...

See. I knew you would like that promo. I'ze so smrt.

My tits love the warm weather too, by the way.

Garney said...

I'm tellin' ya... the digital short this weekend has to be something special.

paperback reader said...

Andy Samberg's done like two funny videos, right? The Lazy sunday thing, and then the Dick in a Box? I guess the Natalie Portman thing, too? Why is he a comedy great?

Red said...

He's a comedy great? I just think he does some funny videos sometimes.

paperback reader said...

Red - I guess not. He just is able to get movies made starring him, and he doesn't seem funny enough for that. He's like Jimmy Fallon that way - seemingly a really nice guy, very amusing in a five minute sketch, but by minute six, I'm looking at my watch, wondering if there isn't laundry to be done.