Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sorry for the delay

Hi friends. Red and I both took mini-vacations over the weekend, and are now both facing the dreaded "catch up" at work, so the site might be a little barren for a few days. We'll be back soon to dazzle and amaze. Until then, just try to entertain yourselves. For once!

* Get it? Delay. DeLay. You know what? I don't have time to explain my advanced sense of humor to you people.


Falwless said...

I don't understand this. Delay huh? Who is that a picture of? This blog sucks.

BeckEye said...

De what? De plane? Oh! ha hahahaha. I love that little dude.

BeckEye said...

Actually, you know what's really funny. I just realized why Fal's comments crack me up so much. Well, one, they're usually funny. But I always read them while imagining that it's really like a bratty little girl with an eyepatch and a cigarette saying these things. Everything is abrasive and full of cussing, but she says it with this squeaky little girl's voice. And she always looks pissed off and she has a cute little dress on, but her knees are all scratched up and bruised and shit and she's always standing there with her hands balled up into fists. And maybe she has a cloud of dust following her, like Pigpen. I know this makes me sound like I have WAY too much time on my hands, but really I don't. I mean, it takes a jigasecond for this image to pop into my head, not the 3 minutes that it took me to type out the description. So there.

Falwless said...

I can't stop laughing. That's pretty much a precise image of me.

Dr Zibbs said...

We'll see you Lader (get it "Later" that's the name of my pharmacist)

Falwless said...

I miss you.