You remember the band Garbage? "Only Happy when it Rains," "Stupid Girl," "I think I’m Paranoid"? Yeah, you remember. I know for most people they weren't much more than a blip on the pop culture radar in the mid-90s, but from roughly 8th to 11th grade, Garbage was second only to Pearl Jam in my Pantheon of Bands. And, since I spent approximately 84 percent of my teenage time listening to/trying to figure out how to join the bands in my pantheon, Garbage played an inordinately large role in my youth.
So, when I was visiting my parents last weekend and swore I saw Garbage's saucy, Scottish, ginger lead singer Shirley Manson in a commercial for the Sarah Connor Chronicles, I thought that sleeping in my old bedroom was giving me delusions or something.
But no! I was not delusional! I still know the people I wanted to be when I grew up (God, did that not turn out how I’d expected) when I see them! Apparently, the only good Manson is reinventing herself as an actress. A further investigation into this matter tells me she also has a solo album coming out, and she's getting some help on it from some pretty famous people. (I found an article that said her record company didn't like the first songs they heard because it was "too noir," which Shirley at first thought was a compliment. That's my girl!)
But anyway, good for her. I don’t think this is enough to make me watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles, and after the disappointments that were Garbage’s last two albums, I probably won’t buy her solo disc, but it's nice to see she’s still out there getting down with her bad self. Now if we could just get Gavin Rossdale’s career back on track, it’d be like I was never forced to grow up.

You know Gavin Rossdale is playing 4 O'clock Fridays tonight, right? And that his new single totally blows?
Oh god, freshman year of college ('95) I had a terrible addiction to some Gavin.
That's also when I started masturbating heavily, interestingly enough.
Always good for some TMI, falw
That "second only to Pearl Jam" line warmed my heart. You obviously have your priorities in check.
Yes, my love for PJ has waned a bit in recent years, but in junior high/high school, I was Mrs. Eddie Vedder.
Gargabe friggin' rocked
Also, note that I called garbage gargabe. That's was their early years when Gabe Kaplan played tamborine for them.
Did she stop bleaching her hair? I lost all interest in Garbage--and Shirley--when she dyed her hair blonde and started to suck musically.
Shirley is a ginger again from what I've seen. And yes, that Billy Idol haircut was horrendous. I read an article where she said she was very depressed and wanted a drastic change and that's why she did that. She admitted it was a mistake.
Wow, I know way to much about people I don't actually know.
Liz, please tell me you didn't have the Rolling Stone magazine cover with a shirtless Gavin over your bed for two years because...ahem... I sure didn't.
On the TMI roll, Shirley was the first interview I ever read that referenced firecrotch (not the actual term, just the look)
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