Friday, September 26, 2008

When Banks Collapse

So, my bank failed. I was a proud WaMu customer until this morning, now I’m apparently a proud JPMorgan Chase customer.

The annoying thing is, I’ve been in the middle of switching banks. I’d been meaning to move to a money market-esque account with another company for a few months now. Then I saw WaMu was on “shaky ground” and decided to finally get on it. I would have finished everything by this weekend. Couldn’t you wait until next week to fail, WaMu? God.

I guess it's not that big of deal. Supposedly if you’re a WaMu customer, you won’t be affected too much. (Unless you were a stock holder. In which case, sucks to be you!) ATM cards still work, accounts are still open, branches are still standing, etc. Things will just say JPMorgan Chase on them. I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed. I mean, if a bank’s gonna fail, let’s have it FAIL! I want to go to my local branch and be surrounded by angry customers demanding their money. I want the crowd to be wearing fedoras and overcoats. Then I want to jump in my jalopy and head for the breadline.

Come on people, if we’re gonna do this thing, let’s do it right. Greatest. Depression. Ever!


Red said...

Hehe. Wonderbaby!

I thought of switching to WaMu, what with their free checking and all, but during these troubled times, I'm kinda glad to be at a small bank with super inconvenient ATM locations. Hooray for the little guy!

Anonymous said...

Yuk, I've lost about $100,000 in stock value these last 6 months. It's not like I bought them, so I guess I didn't lose any money.

I hope someone can straighten this out long enough for me to afford my lifelong dream of rolling around naked in a vault full of dollar bills.

Dave Harrington said...

Hahaha, where do i get that shirt?!?!

Dr Zibbs said...

Look at it this way - you'll get a new toaster.

paperback reader said...

You'll be living in a Hooverville soon enough, dollface.

BeckEye said...

I'm with WaMu too. I wonder how long it will take Chase to put the kibosh on that "free checks for life" deal and start charging fees for just walking in the door.

words...words...words... said...

I'm with WaMu too. And if those sonsabitches try to take away my sweet 5% interest savings account, I'll show them a bank collapse...on they heads, yo!