Friday, September 19, 2008

How a'rrrrrrr you going to celebrate?

Today is International Talk like a Pirate Day! It's the made-up holiday that launched a thousand made-up holidays, with the point of this one being that you say things like "matey," "shiver me timbers," and "walk the plank ye scurvy dog" all the live long day.

It'd be a lot easier if it fell on a weekend; it's sort of hard to tell your boss and people you need to call during the work day to, "Bring me my grog ye wench, or I'll have ye keel hauled 'til ye dance the jig of death" and things of that nature. But it comes but once a year, so I'll give it my best.

Yo ho!


Red said...

Oooh. Sexy pirate!

Del-V said...

I like drink like a pirate day.

paperback reader said...

I'm going to celebrate like I always do: completely forgetting about this until someone mentions it on their blog. Avast!

Mel O said...

Aye, hey Liz, shiver me timbers! I'm so glad you addressed this 'ery special day which also happens t' be the same day as my birthday, shiver me timbers! Actually I'm just always lookin' for excuses t' mention when tis' me birthday, shiver me timbers! Arrgh!

tee hee hee... couldn't resist

Liz said...

Happy Birthday Melo! I mean ... Y'arr!

Dr Zibbs said...

I don't participate but I'm going to track down a person with a hook hand and thank them for all they've done (you know - fighting in all those wars and stuff).

words...words...words... said...

I suppose I'll drink a bottle of Captain Morgan and a bag of those chocolate coins.

Not because it's Talk Like A Pirate Day. Just because it's Friday.

BeckEye said...

Woops, I forgot to call you a lusty wench yesterday. Arr.