Monday, March 3, 2008

Monkeying around

I’m kind of in the midst of an abominable hybrid of allergies and the flu (AllerFlu? FluGies? I don’t know, this is what happens when you’re allergic to changes in air temperature) so it could be the congestion talking, but - I recently read a story about how zillions of years ago, little thumb-sized monkeys moved across the land strip that used to exist between Siberia and Alaska and settled in North America. And the picture of this little critter made me laugh really hard. Observe:


Anyone? Anyone? Whatever, time for a nap.


Red said...

You are losing it, Liz, but few things made me laugh harder today...or in the last 5 minutes anyway.

Where's my Prince Harry post?!?!!?

doorknob_dan said...

Whew, I thought you said 'Prince Albert post' there for a sec.

The other, less understood, member of the royal family.

Red said...

DO NOT Google Prince Albert. Unless you are a very lonely woman...

doorknob_dan said...

Hahaha, never heard of that before tonight?

I have four PA's myself!

(Kidding, that's the craziest thing ever!)

In other news, I've been to the city of Prince Albert many times! Get those nasty thoughts out of your head, Red.

Sooo....little thumb sized monkies you say?

Red said...

I think I had heard about that, I just probably forgot. Isn't there an old joke about Prince Albert in a can? What's that about?

doorknob_dan said...

Groan aloud if you must. It has nothing to do with piercings.

Red said...

That's not even a funny joke!

Falwless said...

Liz, are you sure that isn't the Quizno's mascot?

Looks disturbingly similar.

Liz said...

Falwless, it reminded me of that Quizno's commericial - which also used to make me laugh, after it was done freaking me out. I have no idea who drew this pic or from whence they got their inspiration.

BTW, I have been planning on a Prince Harry post, just haven't gotten around to it. Give it time. I like to wait until things are no longer relavent to write about them.