Monday, March 31, 2008

I haz smoke monzter?

Have you heard of those LOLCatz things? You probably have, you Web savvy sexpots you. But if you haven't, it's these pictures of kitties with misspelled baby talk describing what they're doing. Like this:

Some of them are kind of funny, some are quite funny, and some are just dumb. Just like life. And as with most things that run the gamut from quite funny to dumb, we've got copies now! Someone decided to create this thing called LOLLost, where they do this kind of thing with Lost characters. Again, some are kind of funny, some real funny, some not so funny at all. If you like Lost, and if your day is going as slowly as mine, might be worth checking out.

Hehe, this made me laugh. Don't you judge me!!!


Red said...

You are cracking me up today

Falwless said...

The following may or may not be true: I once spent an entire day at rifling through hundreds of lolcats.

BeckEye said...

I wonder if they have these for AI contestants? I can just see a pic of Michael Johns with the title, "Me want to pway wis zee pee pee."

doorknob_dan said...

They need a lolcats thing for psychotic people.

Ozzy Osbourne with his freaky hair and stuff with a caption saying "I HAZ UR SOUL, KAY?"

Or Donald Trump hovering about a city map with little monopoly hotel pieces on it, saying "ALL UR DEVELOPMENTZ IS MINE!"

I think that would be kinda cute.

steckarrr said...

my favorite for the moment is

Red said...

Beck/Dan: These sound like something someone should should do as a Monday caption thingy. Someone, like, I dunno, Falwless?

Falwless said...

I love you, Tiffany. Can't stop laughing at lolpresidents. Oh dear.